Crestron Transport Font

To Engrave a Faceplate

  1. Crestron Transport Font Image
  2. Crestron Transport Font Design
  3. Crestron Transport Font Definition
  4. Crestron Transport Font App

It's also worth noting that no custom fonts will work with Crestron App projects. IMO, just the work that is necessary to add a custom font (adding it to a theme in Studio, saving it as a custom theme, making sure all theme assets are still in place, keeping a backup of the custom theme, and making all necessary changes to that custom theme when Crestron adds SG assets to their themes) is an. Create pixel-perfect imagery at a cost-conscious price point with the new fully commercial NEC ME Series large format displays. By focusing on customer needs and maintaining expected NEC quality, the ME series gives customers a reliable mainstream digital signage display that can support both landscape and portrait orientations while also allowing customers the modularity possibilities to. String which contains the transport state of each source in Crestron Transport font. This information is typically shown on user interfaces so a list of sources and what is currently playing on that source can be easily viewed. Connect to the Transport$ output of the appropriate Hardware Interface module.

Crestron Transport Font Image

The GUIFX fonts are not being included with the XPanel exe as the Crestron Fonts are. The current work around is to manually include the GUI FX fonts along with the VTPro generated files. The GUIFX fonts then need to be installed in the Windows/font folder for the PC running the XPanel project. Crestron Transport. Crestron Transport Outline. To choose a symbol, click one of the above fonts in the Text One Font Family or Text Two Font Family fields. To display the available symbols for the selected font, click on the Text One or Text Two field's drop-down.

  1. In System Designer's Add Devices pane, navigate to a keypad in the device tree, right-click and then select Open Faceplate Designer from the context menu.

Faceplate Designer opens.

Crestron Transport Font
  1. Click on a button. The active button is framed with a blue outline.


Button Property Grid

Crestron Transport font

Click on the appropriate button/symbol to populate the Selected Text field.

  1. Type the first line of text in the Property Grid's Text One field.

  2. To choose the font, click on the drop-down arrow in the Property Grid's Text One Font Family field and then click on the desired font.

  3. Type the second line of text in the Property Grid's Text Two field.

  4. To choose the font, click on the drop-down arrow in the Property Grid's Text Two Font Family field and then click on the desired font.

NOTE: The following fonts allow you to add symbols for AV, Lighting & HVAC and other specialized applications:

  • Crestron General-split-1 Regular

  • Crestron AV-split-1 Regular

  • Crestron AV-split-2 Regular

  • Crestron HVAC-split-1 Regular

  • Crestron HVAC-split-2 Regular

  • Crestron Transport

  • Crestron Transport Outline

  1. To choose a symbol, click one of the above fonts in the Text One Font Family or Text Two Font Family fields.

  2. To display the available symbols for the selected font, click on the Text One or Text Two field's drop-down arrow, and then click on the symbol and press ENTER.

  3. Click on the remaining button and enter text and symbols as appropriate.

To save engraved text and button layout

  1. Choose SaveSystemName from the File Menu or press . Both the faceplate configuration and button layout are saved with your system.

To send the faceplate to Crestron

  1. Click on the Create engraving file to send to Crestron icon directly above the PartsGallery Tool Window to display Order Information Tool Window.

  1. On the Dealer Info tab, enter the appropriate information in the Billable Dealer Information text fields, if necessary. Note: these text fields should be pre-populated with the information entered during the initial installation of Crestron Studio®.

  1. Click on the Order Info tab, enter the appropriate information in the Crestron Order (AVO #), Layout Quantity, and Comment text fields.Click on the individual part numbers for each engraved button being ordered in the Parts Ordered combo box.

  2. On the Shipping Information tab, enter the optional shipping information in the Project Name, Project Location, and Project Description text fields.

  3. Click on the Preview tab, to review the faceplate configuration and button layout before placing the order.

  4. Click on the Create Order button. Type a file name in the Export Engraving File Window's File name text field. By default, the file is saved to Documents as a zip file.

  5. Click on the Save button. This opens a Window Explorer window that shows the above file's file location. It also launches Microsoft Outlook and populates an e-mail message to For your convenience the Engraving project file is attached to the e-mail message.

MUST DO: You must enter your Purchase Order Number, if it was not previously entered on the Order Info tab.

  1. Click the Send button in Microsoft Outlook to place the order.
    NOTE: If Microsoft Outlooks fails to launch or is not installed, manually compose an e-mail message to
    Make sure to:

Crestron Transport Font Design

    1. Include your Purchase Order Number.

    2. Attach the Engraver project file.

Crestron Transport Font Definition

NOTE: The Engraving project files generated by Crestron Studio® are stored in a .xml format and packaged in a zip archive file while the Crestron Engraver software generates project files with the extension .egr.

The Engraving department will be able to process both (.egr and zipped .xml) types of Engraving project files!

Crestron Transport Font App

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